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Warframe ps4 trading app

warframe ps4 trading app

Trading channel in game is totally inefficient and 8 believe everyone agrees with that. If DE is trying to put restrictions, fine, make an auction house that limits just how much you can put up for auction. You should be able to trade more with less restrictions. Nearly every item in the loot-and-shoot action game is randomly awarded — from finishing missions, killing enemies, or just being in the right place at the right time. ManaBox MTG. New releases.

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warframe ps4 trading app
Deploy Extractor Drones with ease right from the Warframe App! Place a Distiller or Titan Extractor Drone on any Planet with all Missions completed, automate your Resource gathering, and build what you want, when you want. Build the latest Warframes, Weapons and gear right from your phone. Shower your Kubrows and Kavats with affection wherever you go. When a new Companion is ready to be claimed, you can even bestow your beloved pal a name. We use cookies to make sure you have a great experience on our website by doing things like keeping you logged in and letting us know what pages are popular.

Out-of-Game Options

I just thought it might be an awesome idea to have an trading app that syncronizes with your warframe account. There are all sorts of way’s of identifying yourself as the real owner of the warframe account. This could really help people out trying to sell stuff and buy stuff. I would suggest that it does not actually count as a daily log in since you’re not physically in the game.

I am certainly no engineer and have absolutly no clue about the difficulties of making this kind of app. I have no doubt that there are many holes in this plan of mine, but that’s where community work comes in. If anyone ever reads this, you’re awesome and will probably tell me there is a thread like this already. Trading is totally broken right. You should be able to trade more with less restrictions. In my opinion an auction system would slow things even more down and make stuff more complicated than it has to be.

Because if it would work with a minimum set price, then all the prices for tradeable items will go up and people would soon abandon auctions. On the other hand if you don’t set a minimum price you’d most likely get way less than the price you’d like to. The trading system right now is not so much broken, it’s more that it is inefficient. An app like suggested could make it easier for people to sell and buy. Because nothing is more annoying than expecting some plat only for the other to say «ooww I have no plat».

This auction system will level itself out just like any kinda selling commodity, us gamers have seen it work. If DE is trying to put restrictions, fine, make an auction house that limits just how much warframe ps4 trading app can put up for auction.

I’d much rather have a leave and forget system, rather than spending my gaming time trying to sell. I think a trading website would be best sort of like they do with rocket league you don’t log into your account you just post the stuff you want to trade or sell with your own psn name attached to it and the trade will stay open for like a week or until the owner of said trade closes it.

Warframe Market is good for setting up trades, warframe ps4 trading app you can’t do the actually trade. DE has already made an app that allows you to interact with certain parts of the game, like you can turn some resources and blueprints into prime parts.

You «lose» some resources and blueprints, but you «get» a finished. For this reason, I don’t think it would be very difficult to make a trading app. Trading channel in game is totally inefficient and 8 believe everyone agrees with. The reason for that is there are too many players to text in the same channel which most of the time you just miss what you want to buy or sell.

The warframe market app is good but it would be much better to have an official app similar to. I don’t like the idea of auction house whether it is an app or website after the experience of the auction house in Diablo3.

It is ridiculous to sit in front of the app to battle the bid with other players at last minute. The way how Warframe Market works is fine.

It just lacks of players using it since it is not official. Sign In Don’t have an account? Start a Wiki. The rich text editor does not work with JavaScript switched off. Please either enable it in your browser options, or visit your preferences to switch to the old MediaWiki editor. Follow 0 Kudos. Trading App. A Lone Tenno Hey. Idsie — PS4. Loading editor. Edited by Quote More History. Save changes Preview Cancel. The trading system should be like the one in Tera Online.

They want you to buy plat, so it isn’t in their best interest to make player trading too easy. Reply Preview.


You are no longer sticked to computer and can plan trading items when and where is comfortable for you. Topics Shooter. Patience is key. Follow 0 Kudos. One convenient alternative for both price checks and setting up trades is Warframe.


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